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The game of money.

Monday Thoughts — Part 01.

Constant self-development is the key.

Many see financial wealth as the biggest return of the game of money. For me, it’s the excitement and mental toughness I gain. I get it by using my brain to convert risks into opportunities. This process helps me stay healthy, meet courageous people, and of course, make money. This way, I have exciting reasons to play this game real hard.

My job involves making people wealthier. So I often speak to people who are madly in love with money. However, the majority of them see risks; when they see risks, I see opportunities. When they calculate returns against risks, I calculate returns based on opportunities. That’s how most conversations end during my client meetings. It’s not that they are wrong and I’m right. It’s just that we live in two different worlds. It’s about how we have trained ourselves to see things.

It’s wonderful how the human brain can perceive things in many different ways. When these people are worried and in doubt, I’m overwhelmed and determined.

But why? What’s the difference?

The difference is where we want to position ourselves when it comes to the game of money. Some people become players and some like to be spectators. Players focus on the process of generating results. Spectators, on the other hand, focus on the result.

The game of money is not different from any other sport. If you really want to perform, you have to put in hard work; and there are no shortcuts. For example, what happens if you get into a boxing ring without having what it takes to box? It will be a great risk; it can be a disaster. The same happens in the game of money. When you are not ready, but still want to play it, the damage can be severe: Chronic diseases; bad relationships; mental instability; debt; you might even forget that eventually, you are going to die.

To play the game of money, you need certain requirements: Focus, both mental and physical endurance, knowledge (experience), and courage. These are my favourite entry requirements so far to play the game of money. I keep working hard on these areas to play the game, but not be a mere spectator — or a gambler.

So let the week begin by doing what I love to do the most — “improving myself constantly.” It helps me play this game with the least possible impact on my health and relationships. Hopefully, that way, I will continue to progress, keep my life exciting, and stay healthy in this wild, growth-focused world.

Have a great week ahead. Hasitha Rodrigo


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